Who said that Aeroyacht only daddles around in cruising cats? We are happy to present our new baby...a 2002 custom built 31' Farrier F 9XR. The boat was painstakingly built by Bud Clay in epoxy/foam/carbon and will give us plenty of reasons to smile.
Here are the people who helped us with countless advise with this special trimaran: Bud Clay, Mike Leneman, Bob Gleason, Cindy Lewis, Rick Zern, Marc Precourt, Sigi Steiner...and of course hats off to Ian Farrier - a genius in his own right.
Thanks to all of you.
Here are the people who helped us with countless advise with this special trimaran: Bud Clay, Mike Leneman, Bob Gleason, Cindy Lewis, Rick Zern, Marc Precourt, Sigi Steiner...and of course hats off to Ian Farrier - a genius in his own right.
Thanks to all of you.