Our Aeroyacht 110 catamaran has created quite a stir in the international press. Some call it the "new Wally styled cat" - others "the fastest luxury sailing yacht in the world"...we love all the comments. Check the photo gallery here.
Gregor Tarjan's bestseller CATMARANS, Every Sailor's Guide is heading into its 3rd edition and is now even available on e-books. If you go sailing and do not want to lug the hefty publication around on your speedy cat, reading an e-book might be the way to go. Check them out here - or buy the 2nd edition classic hardcover at Amazon. Original book also available at: Multihulls (617) 328-8181, e-mail: multimag@aol.com
Have you held off buying your cat while hunting for bargains ? It's a good move as long as it does not stop you from getting yourself and your family out on the water this season. Check out http://www.bareboatsailing.com/ - they offer a beautiful 4 cabin Lavezzi 40 that can be chartered out of Newport RI. Aeroyacht will pay for your charter if you decide to buy later.